My Story
I was born and raised in the Chicago suburbs, a place rich with opportunity and culture. My parents noticed I had an interest in creating at an early age and encouraged its development. My mother often explored her creative side. I have fond memories of watching, learning and working along beside her in needle crafts, latch hook pillows and ornament crafting.
For a three year period in early elementary school, my father was transferred to Tennessee for his job. While music existed in the public schools, there was no art program. My parent enrolled me in a drawing class at the local park district, and I was hooked. I remember feeling so sophisticated with “real” art materials and tools.
My father was transferred back to the Chicago area right before I began 5h grade. My new school had an art program, and each week I enjoyed the hour long art class with Mrs. Enz. Drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics…I enjoyed it all! I loved my art teacher and wanted to be just like her.
I took as many art classes as I could for the remainder of my school years. After high school, I attended Eastern Illinois University and earned my Bachelor’s degree in art education in 1991. Although art teaching jobs were scarce during this time of recession, I managed to land a position as an itinerant elementary art teacher in central Illinois for the next eleven years. When an opening in my district at the junior high became available, I jumped at the opportunity to have my own classroom. I worked with an incredible group of educators and faculty who became my second family.
The demands of an educator are great. Next to motherhood, it’s the most difficult job I’ve ever had. With the need to better my mental health and the support of my husband, I made the decision to leave education after twenty-five years and pursue my dream of becoming a full time artist.
That first year out of education was an exploratory time. I worked on a variety of artworks in different media: jewelry, fibers, drawing, bookmaking, printmaking and painting. I created an Etsy shop and posted my work o social media. The small paintings I created were well received and soon I was getting commissions and a following on social media. While I enjoy creating in may forms of media, acrylic painting on canvas is my medium of choice.
During the pandemic, I was able to build a sizeable inventory of work. In 2022, I began showing my art at a couple of juried art fairs and increased that number to six the following year. In addition to juried art fairs, I also attended local makers’ markets, selling hand-painted items created from upcycled glass bottles: bottle lights, wind chimes, hand-poured candles and self-watering plant stakes.
New and exciting endeavors are on the horizon, but for now I plan to increase my online presence through this website and social media. I can’t wait to see what I do next!